The reason why your ads may not be converting: micro-conversions

Published: September 9, 2020

Length: 5 minutes (1064 words)

If you are struggling to get your ads to convert and you are a real estate agent, then you are in the right place. In this video and article below, we will chat about the likely reason your ad isn’t converting – not utilizing micro-conversions.

Have you tried some ads and haven’t seen good results? They don’t seem to be working. Maybe you’ve figured out your targeting, yet the ad still isn’t converting. (If you don’t have your targeting figured out, check out this article first that’s all about the dos and don’ts of Facebook targeting for Realtors.)

In the article below (and the video above), we will be talking about a mistake a lot of REALTORS make, not utilizing micro-conversions. REALTORS are eager beavers and want instant results, but people aren’t going to put their next home or their current home in your hands by only seeing one ad or Facebook post. That’s why one of the biggest mistakes I see is not using a micro-conversion in your ad. To explain what a micro-conversion is, we first have to define a macro-conversion.

What is a macro-conversion?

A macro conversion is what you want the ad to ultimately do. For real estate agents like yourself, the main goal is to get a new client and buy or sell their home. That is what you want from your leads. But the customer journey isn’t that linear. You wouldn’t ask someone to marry you on a first date, would you?  The person needs to get to know you, see what you are about, figure out if you are the right fit or not. The same thing applies here, you have to date your potential clients.

What is a micro-conversion?

A micro-conversion is an incremental step a potential client takes to get them further down the sales funnel to ultimately get them to know, like, and trust you enough to give you their business. It’s one small step on the client’s journey, getting closer to the macro goal. They are getting their feet wet and you are getting them familiar with you. To use the marriage analogy again, it’s getting the person to agree to a date with you. Then you would take them on a 2nd date, and a 3rd, until they are ready to marry you because they know, like, and trust you.

how to use micro-conversions in your ads

Your first date is asking them for their email address in order for them to obtain some information they find valuable. For instance, you have a listings ad. In the ad, you show them 3 – 4 pictures of the house, describe 3 – 4 features of the house, and your micro-conversion CTA (call to action) is “Click here to gain access to the price, address, + more pictures.” They click on the ad, you ask them for their information in exchange for the price, address, + pics. They are gaining something of value in exchange for them giving you their name, email, and maybe a phone number.

Some other examples are for a buyer’s ad, a good CTA is “Click here to get a guide of all the houses for sale in your area under $300k”. They get the guide in exchange for their email versus you asking them to work with you in the ad. While this could happen, likely most people don’t know you and wouldn’t want to work with you just by seeing 1 ad. It’s building a relationship.

Another example is for an open house, “Click here to gain access to the virtual tour”.  A seller’s ad example is, “Click here for the top 10 things you should do before selling your home”. The possibilities are endless, so get creative. Think about what your clients in the past have found value in or questions they’ve asked. These can all be something you can package into a freebie and give away in exchange for their email. Get creative, and ALWAYS BE TESTING (my marketing motto of life).

How to follow up once you have the person’s contact information

Once the person has given you their contact information, you will send then an email with the information they requested, the content you advertised in the micro-conversion CTA. There are ways to make this automatic by connecting your CRM to a Facebook leads form or your landing page form. Another way to do it if you don’t yet have a CRM is to use an online automation tool like Zapier. This will connect your form to your email automatically and you can either use email automation programs (like Mailchimp) to send the email automatically or you can simply have it ping you via email when you get a new lead and you can send the email personally. (I can also help you with this if you want me to help you set it up. Email me and we can connect)

Once you have given the person the information they requested, you can automatically put them in your CRM and email list with the same connections mentioned above. Then you can start an email campaign to send them a series of emails to get them to call you and work with you. If the emails don’t work to convert, then put them in a normal email list where you send out more information that they would find value in. They might browse at this point and aren’t ready to act. You having their email and sending them content will keep you top of mind for when they are ready to act.

Also having their contact information, you can now upload them to a Custom Audience in Facebook and advertise to them directly. (You’ll want to upload a robust list including anyone else you have contact information for.) Now they are seeing you in their email and on social media, getting to know you more and more. Each contact point is one step closer to them acting and using you as their REALTOR.

Each micro-conversion gets you one step closer to closing the deal. While it’s not instant gratification, this strategy will set you up to make more sales, have a bigger SOI (sphere of influence), and ultimately build your business.

Want to know more about facebook ads?

Learn more about micro-conversions as well as all things Facebook Ads in a FREE webinar I’m offering. Check out my REAL ESTATE FACEBOOK ADVERTISING 101 TRAINING. Click the button below to learn more.


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